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Ivory Bridal

Ivory Bridal Jakarta Best Wedding Gown Designer

Great Vendor Ever!

Great Vendor Ever! 1024 768 Ivory Bridal

Special thanks to ivory bridal for made our wedding day had been great and perfect with gorgeous gown and great service.

Pertama, pelayanannya sangat mengagumkan, sabar, ramah dan melayani setiap detail-detailnya dan buat costumernya puas. terutama mbak lilis.. ( sangat sabar banget dan memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik buat pengantin yg complicated kayak saya) , untuk gaun ivory sangat bagus2 dan elegant. dan didalam paket dikasih byk bonus2, jdi gak perlu pusink.. setiap ada masalah selalu dikomunikasikan dengan baik.

Really Recomended banget utk capeng yg lain..

by: Meini Tjiu

Got Married: May 12, 2012

Ivory Bridal Jakarta Best Wedding Gown Designer

No Words Can Describe (Speechless)

No Words Can Describe (Speechless) 1024 768 Ivory Bridal

Gue ga bisa berkata-kata kalo soal service Ivory.. Perfectooo…

Kalo boleh cerita, proses pemilihan bridal agak membingungkan karna banyak yang nawarin paket bridal sekalian sama foto prewed keluar kota and harga paketnya murah..tapiii begitu diliat isinyaaa, ga lengkaaap,cuma baju and makeup pengantin, ga include cowo, or include cowo tapi ga ada bridesmaid, de el el deh..truss waktu liat bajunya juga yah gitu deh (ada yang bagus, ada yang standar, ada yang kurang).. tapi gue lebih mementingkan kelengkapan paket karna ga mo puyeng and ribet..
Waktu itu gue almoosstttt deal sama salah satu vendor bridal karna bajunya ada yang ok and paket dia nawarin foto ke bali..(siapa yang ga mau coba hehehe..) tapi cowo gue bilang nanti aja,liat2 yang lain dulu lagi..

One day,karna rumah deket,gue mampir ke ivory,cuma buat liat2 baju wedding and paket mereka tentunya..waktu itu yang ngelayanin gue tante aylien, and gue langsung disuru coba baju2 mereka and buagusssssssss….and tante langsung kasi suggest gue ga bagus pake model ini, bagusan itu..dan sebagainya deh..she`s very nice and friendly loohh…
Cuma gue ga langsung deal karena masi penasaran sama yang laen hehehe…
Naahh..akhirnyaa di bulan Des, setelah membanding-bandingkan sama yang laen, gue decide mo deal karena paketnya paling lengkap and harganya reasonable..
Waktu mo deal ternyataaa lagi ada inhouse promoo padahal ga tau lagi ada event ituuu…soo gue dapet bonus tambahan hihihihi… *senangnyaaa…

Bajuu yang dibuat sama ci Ivonne bagussss…membuat gue terlihat kuruuzzz..hihiihih…
Untuung ci Ivonne sabarr karna gue sempet berubah-ubah pikiran soal design bajunyaa hahaha… :p
Looove the makeup too, both prewed and hari H…soo beautiful and elegant…

And mereka jg ada QC tante Aylien sendirii…to make sure you are perfect
for your big day..Kalo ada yg ga perfect harus diperbaiki dulu sampe bagusss…hehehe..
*thank you tanteee… 🙂

Everything from Ivory was perfect for me that day….even my parents love their service….

I very recommend to all bride-to-be to check and consider Ivory because they are not just sell wedding package but also quality and satisfaction..

Keep up the good worrkkk… 😉

By: Novianti

Wedding: 5 November 2012

Bridal Shower or Just for a Day of Fun

Bridal Shower or Just for a Day of Fun 673 480 Ivory Bridal


Bridal Shower or Just a day of fun with your girlfriend Ivory Bridal Jakarta

From Zooey Deschanel, a real good idea for bridal shower or just for a day of fun with your girlfriends

High Tea party

9th Wedding Celebration Festival

9th Wedding Celebration Festival 526 526 Ivory Bridal

Yes we are here.. Don’t miss the 9th Wedding Celebration Festival at Jakarta Convention Center 28 – 30 November 2014. For more information please call 021 6289348


#RIPOSCAR 960 707 Ivory Bridal

“When I started, the woman went to the store to buy a dress. She saw it in pink and red, and then she remembered that the husband, who is probably going to pay for the dress, loves it in pink. So she buys the pink. Today, the same woman goes to the store and remembers the husband likes pink, and she buys the red.”

The legendary fashion designer, Oscar De La Renta
#riposcar #youwillbemissed

Ivory Bridal Events 2014 Once in A Life Time Wedding Event Jakarta Indonesia

Once In A Life Time

Once In A Life Time 758 539 Ivory Bridal

We cordially invite you to ‘Once in a Lifetime’ Couple Gathering InterContinental Jakarta MidPlaza as follows :

Date : Friday 24 October 2014
Saturday 25 October 2014
Time : 11.00 – 22.00
Venue : Grand Ballroom and Jimbaran Outdoor Lounge (Lobby Level)

Indulge our wide variety of signature cuisines !
Please RSVP for Dinner or Lunch
To confirm your attendance, simply reply to this e-mail or call +021 251 0888 ext. 6112 / 6101
Receive special privileges for any wedding confirmed during the exhibition. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Wedding Booth.

Thank you..